Eye Exams
Eye exams are critical part of keeping up to date with preventative care for your eyesight. Many conditions can adversely affect your eyesight without any prior symptoms.
A comprehensive health check along with an assessment of your visual function is recommended once a year.
Retinal Imaging
Hate drops and leaving with blurry vision? Our retinal camera, Optos, makes Sunny Eye Shop one of the best places to have your eyes examined. Optos takes a wide field picture of the retina and can eliminate the need for a traditional dilated exam.
Emergency/Medical Exams
A problem-focused medical exam tailored to your needs. If your eyes are irritated, itchy, red, dry or if you need immediate attention, Dr. Shoaib can prescribe eye drops to help.
Contact Lens Fitting
Contact Lens Fitting and Evaluations check the visual function of a contact lens on your eyes. We offer many options. Daily, Sphere, Toric, Multifocal, RPG. Only FDA approved contact lenses are available at Sunny Eye Shop.
Frame Adjustments & Servicing
All of our frames come with a one year manufactures warranty and free lifetime adjustments. Rest assured we want you to be happy with your eyeglasses!